We apologise


Diversity and pluralism enrich a society. Ever since Pakistan came into being, the minorities in Pakistan were considered as inferiors to the majority. The Pakistan Jinnah envisioned was a state any religious or ethnic minority could proudly call their home. Yes, a state that embraced diversity wholeheartedly. With all that’s happening to the minorities in Pakistan, Jinnah’s Pakistan is dying, little by little. Recently, Noman Masih, a 14-year-old Christian boy, allegedly burnt alive over being a Christian, died. With him died Jinnah’s vision of Pakistan. It died yet another time.

The reason for writing this letter is simple: I, on behalf of the Pakistanis who are silent for a lack of direction, apologise to the Christian community in Pakistan. I’m sorry my country couldn’t make you feel at home even after 67 long years. I’m sorry for what happened in Kot Radha Krishn, I’m sorry for Gojra, for Youhanabad and I’m sorry for this too.

Here I’d like to ask a few questions. Why? What was Nouman’s fault? His faith? It’s time we tried and fulfill the promises Jinnah made to the Pakistanis. He assured them the freedom to practise their religion openly without fearing for their lives. The white in our flag has significance; we must not let it be lost

