Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain said that even though several projects had been approved between Pak-China in the meetings, the projects were all meant for areas located in Central Punjab alone, according to local media sources.
Altaf Hussain welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping over his two-day visit to Pakistan, and said that MQM highly values this visit by the Chinese, according to sources.
The Muttahida chief asserted it would have been better if the entire country had been granted presentation at the airport to welcome the Chinese dignitary, informed a local media outlet.
Altaf Hussain pointed out that Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar also should be given a due share in these projects. Making strong pitch for Karachi, he indicated that the megacity requires a mass transit system. He posed a question, “Out of these projects worth $46 billion, how much will be apportioned for Karachi?”
Requesting thoose at the helm of affairs that, “Let’s not botch up the future of Pakistan,” the MQM chief urged the chief ministers of the other provinces also to raise voice for their rights.