KP’s share of water


Chairman PTI Mr Imran Khan made a statement recently on a TV channel in that KP’s share of water, gas and power was not released by the federal govt. As for as water was concerned the share of KP was not furnished due to inability of KP govt to support KBD from which a right bank gravity canal was to supply irrigation water to 8 lac acres of virgin land in DIK. It is suggested that Mr Imran Khan ought to check the facts before declaring things. The water Accord of 1991 stipulated 14 per cent share of water from any new storage built. Since then no water storage has been built and as such KP cannot get its due share of water supply. The result is that the existing irrigated area of KPK is only 5 per cent of irrigated area of Pakistan. This situation would continue till doomsday unless KP agrees to build KBD which would assure its due share of water supply. As it is said that “khud karda ra ilaj nest”, the cure lies with KP itself as far as water right is concerned. As far as gas and power is concerned it is altogether a different story which needs to be addressed. However if more hydel power is generated with KBD it would be advantageous for KP as also for other provinces to get access to cheap power.

