White Lies


It’s shariah compliant nikahs now. Yes, you heard it right. And it’s online. Marriages may be made in heaven, but Muslim brothers and sisters now have a platform to come together like never before. And it’s online, which makes the logistics easier, if nothing else. To top it all, the service also has its own app. How cool is that? All you need is a smartphone and Wi-Fi access, and better-half-dot-com is not too far away.


This is really a government that bans. The other day it banned WordPress, the blogging site. It must have been damaging to national security, otherwise why would the high and mighty worry about words? They have been known to worry about video sites though. Sure the YouTube ban was because of blasphemous content, but what about claims that the government is just restricting, well, anti-government videos from airing? Yes, banning does seem effective. Like they banned basant, instead of illegal string, when problems surfaced.


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