Pakistan Today

PM asks president to postpone Saulat Mirza’s execution for 30 days

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has sent a summary to the Presidency asking for a 30-day stay on the execution of former Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) hit man Saulat Mirza who was set to be hanged on April 1, according to a statement issued by Prime Minister House.

An anti-terrorism court (ATC) in Karachi on Mar 24 had reissued death warrants for Saulat Mirza for execution on April 1.

Mirza was sentenced to death by an ATC in May 1999 for murdering the managing director of the then Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) chief Shahid Hamid, his driver Ashraf Brohi and guard Khan Akbar in July 1997.

He was moved along with four high-profile prisoners to the Machh jail, Balochistan, in April 2014.

Last week Mirza’s execution was postponed for 72 on a presidential order a few hours before he was to be executed. Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar had said the target killer’s execution was stayed as “he is not well enough to be executed”.

Saulat Mirza had hurled startling allegations on MQM and its top leadership in a video statement aired on numerous television channels just a few hours before his execution was scheduled to take place.

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