Men do not need first wife’s consent for second marriage, says Sheerani

Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) Chairman Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani has spoken again on his most talked-about topics — marriage, divorce and women.
Talking to reporters after a CCI meeting the other day, Maulana Sherani said men did not need to take permission from the first wife or previous wives for another marriage. He said that “some people are creating anarchy and discontent under the garb of women’s rights”.
As per Islamic principles, he added, men could have up to four wives at one time.
The Maulana also criticised NGOs, saying that some organisations working for human rights were spreading unrest in the society by trying to distort the facts.
Maulana Sheerani, who is also an MNA of JUI-F, said the government had been suggested to amend the marriage laws as, according to him, Shariat has clearly defined the provisions of up to four marriages for men. He claimed that these provisions were easy to understand and follow.
The CII had held a meeting over the topic of marriage laws in the country in October last year in which Maulana Sherani said that women could not raise objection over the second or subsequent marriages of their husbands.
In another previous meeting of the CII, Maulana Sherani had said that the minimum age of a girl for marriage could be as young as 13 years provided she attains puberty.
He said the parliament was bound to follow the suggestions made by the CII regarding formulation of laws.
All bills presented in the parliament should be vetted by the CII as according to the Constitution all laws of the country should be formulated in accordance with the Holy Quran and Sunnah, he added.


  1. If a man marries a second time and the first wife doesn't like it,she can divorce her husband.
    This would not contradict any teaching of Islam Inshallah.

    • I don't think this so called "scholar" is adhering to the true spirit of the corresponding teaching in Quran.

      There's only a single verse in Al-Nisa (3) where it is conditionally made permissible to marry up to 4 women (the preceding verse talks about war orphans and how to safeguard their belongings) and the condition was "fairness to all of them".

      Do you think it would be considered "fair" if you don't even involve your wife in an important decision which will directly affect her life?

  2. This is Wahabism at its best, so where are the rights of the Women that our beloved Prophet strongly advised the Ummah? All completely forgotten and disregarded for the convenience of mainly Mullahs who have nothing better to do then treat Women as objects of pleasure. It is not difficult to work out why Islam the lovely peaceful religion has such a bad name in the eyes of the world.

  3. What silly debate are you guys debating about. The simple fact of the matter is that this pubert Maula should be ashamed that as chairman of Council of Islamic Idealogy is often involved in obtaining sexual satisfaction by involving women. These are the people who have damaged and continues to briung shame to our lovely religion. Thetyare pulling us back to the stone age. They preach four or multiple wives for a SINGLE MAN sexual pleasure. Now he wants to marry a 13 years old girl. I wonder if he has any of his own grand daughter aged 13 years. This is the mindset that has created Taliban and Terror in Pakistan. Lock this Moula in the prison but unfortunately he sits in the Parliament and presides over our destiny.

  4. He,the maulana is speaking so easily about all just by the taking women a object of pleasure.He is not considering the rights of women and aftermaths of marriages without consulting first wife.Consequences can pursue to divorce,which is the most unlike act in sight of Allah! these Mullahs are pulling us back to stone age.Please dont be a blots on the name of ISLAM(religion of peace and love).Beware! from such Scholars.

  5. Why is it that the men could have four wives, no permission needed from the other wives. Their sexual depravity gives them that right. They just can't keep their own sexual needs in check. And to marry a child, that is so wrong. That child should be able to grow up to her full potential and an educated person who could make the world better. This country needs to get out of the archaic old teachings and get into the 21st century.

  6. As expected a number of feminists are after the Maulana… it's a fact that earth's population has started to get a female majority and this trend will continue to do so… so multiple marriages aren't a bad omen unless the man can keep both or multiple wives happy… As far as the 'feelings' of the first wife goes, don't you think she would be over possessive if she doesn't like her husband being married to another woman… Yes, you would have said that about the man if he wouldn't have liked his wife giving importance to people more than the husband.. In fact, you would have said that he is not even a man

  7. Have you ever think of how many females are unmarried due this objection. we are all pressing upon this issue but I think there are other HARD issues to be discussed

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