PEF de-caps 482 partner schools


The Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) has de-capped the upper ceiling of 482 private schools partnering under ‘Foundation Assisted School’ program.

The de-capped schools fall in the categories of A+, A, B+ and B. These schools are situated in different districts of the province.

According to PEF spokesman, A+ category partner schools can admit 120 more students, A category schools can admit 90 further students, while B+ category schools are allowed to give admission to 60 more students.

Similarly, B category schools will be eligible to admit 30 additional students. In this regard, necessary instructions have been issued to the schools concerned.

However, these schools are allowed to admit only out of school or dropout students under this de-capping.

The rationale of this policy is to open the doors of education to all such needy students who are out of schools due to poverty or lack of necessary resources. PEF will provide monthly fee as well as textbooks for such students so that they could study free of cost in the partner schools, the spokesman added.



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