Netanyahu in Washington


So instructive


The Middle East mess – since the Arab Spring degenerated – has brought about a number of interesting shifts in international diplomacy. But some things are bound to remain the same. The Syrian civil war finally caused some unease in Washington about the way Saudi petrodollars are showered on proxies to destabilise governments strategically (and religiously) opposed to Riyadh in particular and GCC in general. According to the Arab press, President Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia was almost called off after the Americans presented their Saudi friends with CIA’s Syrian dossier; which detailed accounts of Saudi funds diverted to al Qaeda linked outfits fighting to unseat Bashar al-Assad in Damascus.

Similarly, the Americans are now deep in discussion with Iran. Outwardly they are just discussing Tehran’s uranium and nuclear issues, but they are also surely discussing the situation in Syria, and how Iran and its friends (previously all terrorists according to the White House) are helping contain the situation, which the Saudis are spending big bucks to deteriorate. It is in this backdrop that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, and his provocative speech before Congress, are so important for the Muslim world.

It seemed initially that things were no longer the same between Washington and Tel Aviv; at least not with the Democrats. The White House has never been so angry about an Israeli head of state’s comments. But, at the end of the day, it became apparent just why Israel is able to muscle its way around the sole superpower. For all its anger – and John Kerry’s outburst – Obama was quick to underline his government’s support to the state of Israel. It is strange, to say the least, that a small country that is dependent on America for practically everything is able to bully and badmouth its benefactor so easily. It is also interesting that what Israel asks of America, especially with regard to Iran, is pretty much what the Saudis are also lobbying for, so another strange convergence of interests has emerged. But with America arm twisted so easily by Israel, will the superpower be able to bring any sanity to the situation?