Water crisis


Federal Minister of Water and Power has lamented that due to water aggression by India Pakistan is threatened with water shortage. He has also stressed on the need for building water storages. The question arises what the PML-N govt has done to build water reservoirs that could also have provided cheap power. Apart from verbal statements that some countries have shown great interest in Bhasha dam, where is the actual progress on the dam? The answer is nill.

The govt has dithered on building KBD for which World Bank had already agreed to provide funds if the provincial consensus had been developed, which has unfortunately not been achieved even with two-thirds majority of PML-N. The lack of single minded determination by PML-N supremo was responsible in not building the dam which had been shown in his third stint as prime minister. This was made in a bargain that KP name would be given to former NWFP and KBD would not be built only to assuage the unholy wishes of ANP whose founding father did not wish to even be buried in Pakistan. The PML-N’s policies have thus been self-serving rather than nation serving.

