Anarchy in the country


Anarchy is the key feature to describe the present state of rule of law in Pakistan. It seems means to secure justice in the society are tools at the hands of the political oligarchy that ensures partial justice, laws to rule and authority to exercise on slaved citizens of poor state of Pakistan. It was frustrating, and demised last bits of omens of hopes, to listen and read about the role of former primer to secure bailout mechanism for the alleged accused of Baldia Town incident. Deaths of more than 280 people appear to be no big deal for them.

Costly, time taking, slow and stagnant judicial process is also supporting to this fabricated democratic hydra of the oligarchy. Why to talk about democracy and how to support democratic process in the country in such circumstances? People with true democratic ideas, norms, values and customs are losing face and seek no space if such heinous acts of extortion and mayhem of humanity occur time and again in so called democratic rules. Perhaps jungles have some level of rules and norms to be followed, but Pakistan lacks them.

I dare to coin them as “democratically elected zaliman of Pakistan” who have superficial mask of nobility on their ugly faces and polluted characters. People of Pakistan are also part of this filthy saga by supporting, following and believing these evils of the society. A true change is the need of the time and conscious building is asset to make this change. Let us condemn and curse those who are allegedly involved and who supported them. Let us stand with the families of victims and show our sympathies and commitment to them.

