Pakistan Today

Elections no substitute for plebiscite in Kashmir: foreign secretary

Briefing the Islamabad-based ambassadors from OIC countries on Wednesday, Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry said that Indian elections were not a substitute for plebiscite in Kashmir.

In connection with the ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’, being observed across the country today, Chaudhry addressed the plight of the Kashmiri Muslims in Indian Occupied Kashmir. The foreign secretary mentioned that Kashmir Solidarity Day is commemorated by the government and people of Pakistan, at home and abroad, to express solidarity with, and to reiterate, Pakistan’s political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiris in the struggle for their right to self-determination.

The foreign secretary paid tribute to the huge sacrifices made by Kashmiri Muslims in Indian Occupied Kashmir in their struggle in the face of Indian atrocities. He highlighted the brutalities committed by the Indian security forces in Occupied Kashmir to suppress the indigenous Kashmiri movement against the Indian rule and quoted the staggering figures of Kashmiris killed, women widowed and dishonoured, and children orphaned, in gross human rights violations in the area. Stating that no elections in Kashmir could be a substitute to the plebiscite under the auspices of the UN, he expressed deep concern over the policies of the present Hindu nationalist BJP government, which is aiming to change the demographic makeup of Jammu and Kashmir.

He stressed that peace in the region would remain elusive without the resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Resolutions which calls for a free and fair plebiscite to determine the wishes of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Briefing on the recent visit of the OIC secretary general to Pakistan, the foreign secretary deeply appreciated the consistent support of the OIC, and the SECRETARY GENERAL, on the Kashmir cause. Highlighting the efforts of the OIC, he noted with satisfaction that the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir, consisting of Azerbaijan, Niger, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, meets regularly and adopts resolutions affirming OICs continued support for the Kashmiris. He noted with appreciation the secretary general’s emphasis on early peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute. The ambassadors were told that Kashmiris had welcomed the recent mandate given to OIC Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) to monitor human rights violations in IOK.

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