More than 600 international flights fly over country, says Azeem


Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Aviation Advisor Shujaat Azeem has said Pakistan air traffic is safe and more than 600 international flights fly over the country.

He said this while talking to a news channel days after the warning of the European Air Safety Agency (EASA).

EASA had issued a warning to national aviation authorities and aircraft operators to exercise “extreme caution” while flying in Pakistani airspace. It issued a notice on its website stating that the “potential” of terrorist attacks in Pakistan has led to an increased risk for airlines.

He said he discussed the issue with French officials and clarified that the warning is not Pakistan specific but it is also for other countries.

“Our airspace is safe for traffic. EASA’s warning is a precautionary step that is issued not only for Pakistan but also for eight other countries,” he said.


  1. The only restriction is not to fly below 27000ft. In any case all major airlines on long routes prefer to fly above 31000ft or more to save fuel. This is following firing of missiles in Ukraine by rebels and the probability of such weapons falling in hands of ISIS and Taliban extremists.

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