Wattoo urges parliament to take up Hindu Marriage Registration Bill


PPP Punjab president says well-being of minorities is cornerstone of PPP’s party policy

Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Punjab President Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo has urged the government and the parliament to take up urgently the proposed Hindu Marriage Registration Bill for an early legislation because it entails the important question of rights of minorities in Pakistan.

In a statement Thursday, he said, “PPP considers the minorities as its constituency and supports their cause as a liberal and democratic party in the true sense of the word.”

“The well-being of minorities is the corner stone of the policy of the party and had taken landmark decisions as such during its watch of governments. Their mainstreaming in the country’s politics and also for their upward social mobility was the sole objectives of the PPP governments,” he added.

He pointed out that the declaration of the wish of PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto “to see a non-Muslim as chief executive of the country” was the manifestation of the ultimate commitment to the cause of the rights of the minorities. He recalled that the PPP did not believe in playing to the gallery and PPP governments in the past took several steps for the empowerment of minority.