Zardari asks Wattoo to reorganise party in Punjab


Amid growing disenchantment among its ranks, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Tuesday asked the Punjab chapter of the party to reorganise.

“I ask the provincial president to maintain close liaison with the party workers in every nook and corner of the province and use the occasion of district wise conventions to explain to the workers party policies, listen to their views and address their grievances,” Zardari said in directives issued to PPP Punjab chief Manzoor Wattoo.

Spokesperson to Zardari, Senator Farhatullah Babar said in a statement that the former president was keen to revitalise the party at the grass root levels throughout the country. Further, they will hold worker conventions at district levels in Punjab as a first step in reorganisation of the party. Later, district level conventions will also be held in other provinces.

Zardari also directed Wattoo to complete all party reorganisations at the level of union councils as soon as possible.