Pakistan Today

Paris attacks

Attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris by Muslim French nationals, angry over publication of satirical articles and cartoons about Islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH), must be condemned by all sane elements in Islamic world. These senseless acts must cease and human blood not allowed to be shed.

Islam and eminence of its Holy Prophet (PBUH) are not so fragile that irresponsible acts under garb of freedom of expression can desecrate them. What the world needs is tolerance and respect for sensibilities of all human beings, and not its violation on an excuse of freedom of expression.

Migrants to Europe, USA, Canada, Australia etc must understand that having taken the oath of citizenship, it becomes obligatory upon them to obey laws and constitution of country which they have chosen to live. If they differ, it is their choice to leave these countries. Such attacks provoke retaliation and provide fuel to extreme right wing elements in pursuit of hate campaigns such as Islamophobia, and do not serve the interests of Islam or Muslims.

Similarly, it is time that the Western world realised that if in spite of freedom of expression legal barriers can be imposed banning controversies about Holocaust, they should enact laws to ensure that sentiments of over 1.7 billion Muslims are not hurt by satirical cartoons or derogatory articles. Emergence of fundamentalism is not limited to Islamic faith alone. We have witnessed Hindu and Buddhist fundamentalists involved in planned massacre of members of other faiths in India and Myanmar, as was done by Serbian Christians in the heart of Europe. CIA itself played a role in creating these extremists in Afghanistan to avenge US’ defeat in Vietnam from Russia.



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