Will Pakistan change in the aftermath of 12/16?


SAFMA recently conducted a seminar that touched upon several important issues. The participants welcome the resolve of the political and military leadership in initiating an all out war on all fronts against terrorists and terrorism.

The participants hoped that NAP would help bring a paradigm shift in our erstwhile security and foreign policies, and will obliterate terrorism and terrorists.

The session emphasized the need to defeat terrorism and religious/sectarian extremism at the ideological, educational, and cultural level.

The session discussed all the steps that have already been taken in the right direction including the 21st amendment allowing for military courts, along with a 20-point plan of action (NAP). It was also observed that NAP covers a wide range of issues and is a compressive solution to the problem. However, the strategy is not the main problem; the bigger issue will be its implementation. Moreover, Zarb-e-Azb should be expanded to the entirety of the country to weed out the problem completely.

Militants need to be pursued with full force and vigor. Renamed banned outfits along with surrogate bodies also need to be found and nipped in the bud. Hate material should also be prohibited, as should hate speech. The glorification of terrorism in the name of jihad has to stop. The session additionally pointed out that educational reforms are needed in public and private schools, colleges, universities and madaris.

A counter narrative must be build around arts, democratic values, tolerance, and culture. The rights of minorities should also be given priority along with those of various vulnerable groups. The session presented a holistic discussion and addressed several issues and points that needed more work.