Pakistan Today

Painkillers or pain inducers

Pain killers usually used as headache killers are now becoming headache inducers .The most commonly self-treated pain is ‘tension induced headache’ on a daily basis, related to emotional stress, back and neck muscular pain (fatigue) and tightening sensation of forehead indicating being overstressed which means you need to relax, not to be medicated necessarily. The commonly used marketing punch line that two or three doses will give a rapid relief from pain sounds relaxing enough for the one who is suffering but on the other hand latest research shows that painkillers are creating dependency and becoming pain inducers.

Experts believe that drugs increase the pain receptors in brain and make it more sensitive for pain sensation for the next time. More than half of the headache is stress related and migraine, most common in females, all of which can be treated by simple daily exercises, avoiding triggering factors, in some cases food items usually, and deep breathing, enriching your brain with oxygen. Painkillers are usually sold without any prescription as they are believed and tested to be safe as they do not affect other body functions, but they are not required necessarily. These are little armed forces killing your pain, not the cause. Starting fight against the cause is the real remedy and same should be the principle of treatment.



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