Future wars on water


It has been said that all future wars would be on water disputes. Egypt has already issued an ultimatum of war to Ethiopia in the event of their building a dam on the Blue Nile, a tributary of Nile River that could curtail its historic rights on water. In our case too it is thought that any future war between Pakistan and India would possibly be on water rights as India keeps on building dams on our Western rivers ostensibly to generate power on run of the river basis while constructing gates to store river waters.

Pakistan is being steadily strangled due to blocking of its rivers which has reduced its irrigated area by four per cent by now. As the water noose is tightened for Pakistan, a famine like condition could result pushing Pakistan to conflict with India. As both powers are nuclear armed, it could unleash a Third World War. It is advisable on the part of India not to curtail vital water supplies to Pakistan.

