Spanish newspapers call in police over suspect packages


Several Spanish media companies called in police as a precautionary measure on Wednesday after receiving suspicious packages, including one at El Pais publisher Prisa which is no longer considered to pose a threat.

The alerts came after hooded gunmen earlier on Wednesday shot dead at least 12 people at the Paris offices of a French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, renowned for lampooning Islam.

Spanish free newspaper 20 Minutos, financial daily El Economista and online paper Libertad Digital said they had received suspicious packages on Wednesday afternoon, a police spokesman said. No further information was available.

Staff at Prisa, meanwhile, were back at work after their headquarters were evacuated when a suspect parcel was delivered by an individual. It did not contain anything dangerous, a spokesman for Prisa said.

Spain’s Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz is due to meet anti-terrorism units and intelligence and police services later on Wednesday to discuss the Paris attack, and will hold a news conference.