Pakistan Today

No air time for terrorists!

Govt finalises bill to check media; new legislation will empower PEMRA to take punitive action against media outfits ‘printing, publishing or disseminating any material, glorifying or projecting terrorism’

The federal government has finalised a bill to amend the constitution for effectively taking action against media outfits involved in “glorifying” terrorists and banned organisations. These laws would be enforced immediately and Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) is being given a lead role in this regard.

The draft bill, a copy of which is available with Pakistan Today, has also recommended amendments in the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and the Code of Criminal Procedure to punish those involved in “harbouring terrorists”.


The federal government bill has proposed insertion of section 295AA in the PPC for action against media for glorifying terrorists.

The section titled, “Printing, publishing or disseminating any material, glorifying or projecting terrorism etc.” specifies action against “whoever prints, publishes, telecasts, re-telecasts, relays, transmits, broadcasts or disseminates any material, message or programme through any means of communication including audio or video-device or any form of data storage device, FM radio or by any visible or by written, photographic, electronic, digital, wall chalking or any other method or means of communication which glorifies terrorists, terrorism or terrorist activity”.

Under 295AA, the security forces may arrest any media man for printing, publishing or disseminating any material for glorifying or projecting terrorism etc. without warrant and this offence would be non-bailable and non-compoundable. The punishment may be imprisonment up to seven years but not less than three years and fine which may extend to Rs 10 million. Court of Session or Magistrate of the first class may take up the case.

The bill adds that those who show scenes with excessive violence or suffering such as close-up shots of people being brutally tortured and killed; or spread religious or sectarian hatred; or gives projection to any person convicted or accused for a terrorist act; or any organisation involved in terrorism; or proscribed organisation; or an organisation placed under observation under any law for the time being in force; or a member or office-bearer of such organisations specified under sub-clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv); or glorifies scenes of dead bodies of convicts or accused; or shows live actions and operations of armed forces and law enforcing agencies; or are designed to create conflict or misunderstanding between various State-institutions shall be punishable on conviction with imprisonment which may extend to seven years but shall not be less than three years and fine which may extend to Rs 10 million.

“The provisions of sub-section (1) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other law for the time being in force,” the draft says.


Moreover, according to new section 130A likely to be inserted in the PPC, anyone who harbours or conceals any person in his premises or lets out such premises to any person who has committed or is designing or preparing to commit any offence of terrorism within the meaning of Anti-terrorism Act, 1997 or any offence within the meaning of the Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014 shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to 10 years and with fine which may extend to Rs 10 million.

Under the proposed law, under 13-A, the security forces would be allowed to arrest any suspect without warrant and the offence would be a non-bailable and not compoundable. The accused arrested under this offence may be given imprisonment up to 10 years and fine of not less than Rs 10 million. This case may be taken up by a court of sessions judge.

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