Pakistan Today

Media on massacre

The horrendous incident in the Army Public School on 16 Dec, 2014, would remain in our minds for quite some time. However, the media, both print and electronic, should resist from repeatedly showing heart rending stories and pictures of the martyred children and the school auditorium. This is in no way giving solace to the affected families, especially the parents of the children. This continuous showing and repeating of the incident on electronic media would in fact have adverse psychological effect on all viewers.

The time is a great healing factor and may Allah grant them fortitude to bear their great loss! We, who have no relation with the children so brutally massacred, feel so terribly depressed to see their blood soaked books and pictures of the area on TV that we tend to switch the channel. The children who watch also get frightened and ask questions about their safety at their schools. So I would suggest that the media, especially electronic, should not overplay this gory incident.



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