Sartaj Aziz says Pakistani, Afghan forces to launch coordinated anti-terror actions


Adviser to Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Saturday said security forces in Pakistan and Afghanistan have agreed to carry out coordinated operations against terrorists along the Pak-Afghan border.

Aziz said that the Afghan leadership has assured the Pakistani Army of full cooperation in countering terrorism.

Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif had visited Kabul on Dec 17 where he secured assurances from Afghan President Ashraf Ghani as well as International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) commander General Joseph Dunford of complete cooperation in security-related matters.

In his latest remarks, Aziz also said that Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, the alleged mastermind of 26/11 Mumbai attacks, has not been released and that the government was reviewing a petition regarding his case.

Aziz said standard operating procedures for better border management between Pakistan and Afghanistan have been finalised and would be presented for approval before a joint military group meeting expected to take place shortly.

He also expressed hope that India would show significant progress in the Samjhota Express case.



  1. There is a cancer spreading all over the globe. It is in Europe, North America, Africa, the Mideast, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and Australia. Only South and Central America, where it has comparatively small representation, and Greenland and Antarctica, which are practically uninhabited, and most of Oceania, seem unaffected by its infiltration… so far. The cancer has come with global infiltration of Islam. No matter where you look, wherever Islam is, there is death and destruction erupting in one deadly horrific form or another, all in the name of Islam. Everywhere! Islam is not "peaceful" as the Islamists proclaim it to be, not as long as Islam spawns the deadly cancer being spread by Islam throughout the world in the form of terrorism.

    It's too late now, but European and North American countries as well as Australia should never have allowed Islamists to infiltrate their countries, but they just did not know what they were bringing on themselves. When Spain expelled the Moors from Europe centuries ago it should have been forever, and they should have regarded that episode in their history as a lesson learned. Trouble from the cancer Islamists bring is deadly bad, and in some places it has been absolutely horrific. If we think all this is bad now, just think to yourselves… it is probably going to get worse. Civilization is not going to be destroyed by the "Super Powers". It is Islam and its inherent cancer of terrorism that can destroy civilization as most of us have come to realize it.

    The only way this cancer can be contained and destroyed is from within. This seems highly unlikely though when you consider the fact that the Islamist have been killing each other for over 1400 years in a dispute over the successor of Muhammad, who was a terrorist himself, forcing his religion on neighboring tribes around him by the sword in bloody skirmishes and executions that continue to spread to this day. Those facts are clearly documented in historical records.

    The unlikelihood of self-containment and destruction of the cancer of terrorism can be further determined to be unlikely when you consider that the 1.6 billion plus Islamists are doing nothing now and have done nothing in past to contain and put a stop to it aside from the Islamists killing each other due to philosophic differences. We do not see Islamists trying to put these differences aside or settling them, we only see them killing each other and others in the bloodiest ways possible… and this has been going on for hundreds of years, non-stop, with absolutely no end in sight, none!

    We do not hear a thing from these 1.6 billion Islamists about organizing a counter insurgency to defy and counter the terrorists they spawn. There is no grand scale recruiting for the sake of counterterrorism. What we do hear is just the opposite punctuated with genocide, beheadings, mass murders, kidnappings, and suicide bombings by the Islamic terrorists who avidly, actively, and successfully recruit for their savage ends. Thus the cancer grows unabatedly in the name of Allah. Why has there never been peace in the name of Allah, one should wonder? The world's Islamists show no rage for the devastating, cruel, murderous cancer they apparently wish to continue to harbor within. Lip service, yes, but no real rage. We, and they, must ask, why is this so?… But they could already know and harbor that answer.

    Are the Crusades continuing today with a hateful revenge that has been kindled and harbored for centuries? That is very possible when you consider that the Islamists continue killing each other constantly over a schism borne on jealousies spawned and harbored since close to a millennia and a half ago. There is nothing more apparent about the Islamists than the vengeful hate that they can and do harbor for centuries. Nothing less than a bloody and often horrific revenge feeds that hate, which itself seems to endlessly seethe within as part of the ethos of the Islamists. Centuries old grudges are not rational to most of us but they continue to exist among the Islamists, thus achieving for them the continuous blood and gore we see this day and can expect to see in the foreseeable future, unchecked as always from within.

    The world seems to be in the grips of something man made on a scale never before seen, something far surpassing global warming in effect, something that may very well end up as the legacy of generations of civilization to follow. Never since Genghis Khan and his hoard has such a scourge beleaguered civilization in a manner such as this current total and bloody disregard for the solemnity of fellow human beings.

    There is nothing that will stop this cancer except if, as I said, it is stopped from within, and as of this day, that seems to be unlikely. Religion can be the cause of great destruction and genocide as it has been for many, many millennia in the past. Religion has murdered throughout the world; the hoard of Islamists are obviously at the fore in the current assault. Religion can and has destroyed even the greatest of civilizations in the past. Are we on that path?

    None of this is hate, but just observations, a sense of history, and a consideration of probabilities. Enough said.

  2. Dear Observer… It is well know who is behind terrorism.. Who created ISIL, Al-Quida, Boko Haram – CIA and MOSSAD..
    Just research that..
    and secondly for last almost 100 years no muslim country was allowed to run according to its principle.. No leader was allowed to rise from muslim world.. All this terrorist is created by Mossad and CIA to create havoc and under the table US is only stealing there resources..

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