No distinction between “good and bad” Taliban, Nawaz says



A Multi-Party Conference,(MPC) presided by Prime Minister(PM) Nawaz Sharif held in Peshawar to frame the future strategy against terrorism, a private news channel reported.

Following a press conference at the end of the meeting, PM  vowed that war against terrorism will continue without any distinction between ” good and bad” Taliban.

Moaning over the unfortunate incident the premier said “we express deep grief over Peshawar tragedy and today’s conference has decided to draft an action against terrorists and act upon it immediately.”

He also announced to form a” National Plan Committee” to formulate the counter-terrorism strategy.The committee will consists of the members from all political parties.

“We have all unanimously decided that a committee comprising of all parliamentary parties under Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar will prepare a plan of action which will be submitted to national leadership within seven days,”PM stated.

PM  also resolved that the fight against terrorism will continue untill the last terrorist is killed and insisted that lawmakers and political parties should move forward with the solutions to help government in this regard.

Admiring the valour and sacrifices given by the military Nawaz said “our forces are making significant progress in eliminating hideouts of terrorists and destroying their sanctuaries. We praise sacrifices rendered by our armed forces during Zarb-e-Azb operation.”

The premier said that he is grateful to all the political parties for joining hands irrespective of differences in this moment of distress.

Responding to the questions of media, chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf(PTI) Imran Khan said that eradication of terrorism is inevitable for the country. He also said that irrespective of  political differences PTI will stand with government.“Today, we all agreed that a national plan to eliminate terrorism should be prepared,” he said.

PM summoned the conference after terrorist attacked  Army Public School which left 141 people dead and several injured.

MPC got underway at Governor House Peshawar with Fateha for the martyrs of Peshawar school carnage.

The meeting was attended by all stake holders including of parliamentary parties, federal ministers, governors and chief ministers.

Inspector General Frontier Corps (IG FC) also briefed the participants of the conference.


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