1971: Political or military defeat?


Declassified documents of the CIA, Snowden’s disclosures, WikiLeaks’ leaks and most of the Indian and Bengali authors like Manaksha, Arun Dhati Roy and Sarminla Bose, admit that the dismembering of Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh was part of a greater conspiracy, and Awami League’s Mujib-u-Rehman was only part of that conspiracy. This has also been revealed latest by UK journalist David Bergman who has been convicted by Hasina Wajid government court for also being critical of recent war crime death sentences to some pro-Pakistan JI leaders.

A similar conspiracy on further dismembering Pakistan is reportedly being followed to get Balochistan separated, for which not only Indians openly admit that they are supporting, funding and arming Baloch insurgents, but also harbouring and sheltering Brahamdagh Bugti and other rebels as well as training and running camps to infiltrate terrorists there. This conspiracy seems to have international backing as the US Senate Committee has already held hearing on Balochistan to suggest its secession. Various world countries are sheltering Baloch separatist leaders and the funding is going on unabated.

Indian PM Modi’s government has suspended talks on the pretext that Pakistan is exporting terrorism. Gen Musharraf the other day asked BBC in an interview the other day why India is not dubbed as exporter of terrorism when there are documentary evidences and proofs of it? Similarly, the Mujib-led separatist move was political one, just as in the ongoing insurgency, the onus is on political leadership to come forward and resolve it. So why should the 1971-debacle be called as military defeat and why not the political one, and why not the current mess is called political mishandling and not the militarily one? Army operation must always be a last option, exhausting all other options. Are we left with no other option but to call military in and shift the responsibility from politicians to generals?




  1. I am so sorry for your loss of pleasure of raping Bangali mother,sisters and wife's in 1971 . You can't forget the the pleasure. Let Bangali army and thugs to rape your mothers,sisters and wife's ,then you will get the answer

  2. Be courageous to beg pardon to the masses of Bangladesh and better not narrate bull sheet stories.

  3. The brutal Pakistani none sense rulars of 1971 were sacterian as they could not honour the Bangalee voters who voted for Sheikh
    Mujib. So they had to pay. This may be reminded that they were Bhotto plus the Military Dictators ( Drunken Generals of Pakistan –

  4. Bangladesh is product of Indian aggression. Mukti Bahanis thugs were armed and trained by India. today's Bangladesh is nothing but an Indian stooge and satellite state. People from East Pakistan never voted for separation they voted for economic prosperity. Sheikh Mujib and his cronies were working on Indian agenda to disintegrate Pakistan. Finally Mujib failed to deliver to his people and got killed by his own army.

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