A new CEC


Lethargy marks the incumbent government’s style


The PML-N’s characteristic style of postponing crucial decisions is responsible for a number of problems the country is facing. Matters are decided either after the army’s interference as happened in the case of the North Waziristan Operation or after express orders by the Supreme Court, as in the case of the appointment of the CEC. In the later case, the apex court had warned the government that if the appointment was not made by the prescribed date, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition will have to answer for it.

There are a number of measures the Parliament has to take to make the EC an effective body. Among the major reasons behind the failure of the Commission to hold the elections without glaring irregularities was because its chief was not adequately empowered. A unanimously selected and honest CEC failed to deliver because he could neither take action against government servants associated with holding the polls nor issue orders to the judicial officials associated with conducting the polls. Another powerless CEC too would be unable to deliver. The present members of the EC have failed to inspire public confidence. They have been accused of partisanship on account of acts of omission and commission on their part. The new CEC deserves a better team. The Committee on Electoral Reforms has to shake off its inertia and move at a faster speed to finalise its recommendations.

The foremost task before the new CEC is to restore the credibility of the EC which has suffered badly under its present members on account of their slow responses and carelessness. The EC first denied the printing of any extra ballot papers. It then admitted having printed only 0.8 million. A month later it enhanced the number to 9.3 million! The issue of the magnetic ink would not have been created if the Commission’s members had acted with efficiency. There is also a perception that they failed to persuade Punjab and Sindh governments to hold local government polls on time.