Efforts underway to overcome energy crisis: Baligh


Minister of State for Education, Training and Standards in Higher Education and Interior, Engineer Muhammad Baligh ur Rehman on Wednesday said the government is making all out efforts to overcome the energy crisis in the country.

He was speaking at a closing ceremony of three-day International Conference on Energy Systems and Policies at Air University.

The minister informed that by February 2015, all CNG stations will be converted to LNG stations to overcome the difficulties faced by public.

He talked about several power projects planned to be set up by the government including the 1100 MW Solar Power Plant in Bahawalpur.

He said that international and national scholars participated in the conference surely have nice experiences of knowledge sharing and knowledge dissemination for mutual professional benefits.

He said, it’s very positive sign that educational institutes are taking the initiatives at their own in the matters of national interest considering their social responsibility.

He appreciated the Air University management for conducting this significant conference with international and national scholars and experts who gave their useful inputs to handle energy dilemma.

The minister said such conferences would help government to design the future policies for a stable energy system in the country especially when the deficit in our energy demand and supply has reached to alarming limits.

He added that this situation is causing serious setbacks to our social, economic, and developmental programs with very adverse effects on our national growth, development and security issues.

“We know that Pakistan is rich in a variety of natural energy resources. It remains for our scientists and engineers to find workable solutions to our energy crisis”.

The Vice Chancellor Air University, Air Vice Marshal (Retd) Faaiz Amir expressed his gratitude to chief guest of ceremony, international and national invited speakers and conference management team.

Addressing on the occasion, he said that Pakistan needs to develop a policy framework that ensures affordable energy for all its citizens.

He highlighted that the conference touched upon energy generation technologies, renewable energy resources and technologies, nuclear energy, energy efficiency and conservation measures, and last but not the least the impact of all these technologies and practices on planet earth.

He pointed the significance of technical discussions for the practical application of technologies on energy efficient buildings and fuel efficient designs of automotive engines.