Pakistan Today

Appoint a commission on KBD

In view of the logjam over Kalabagh Dam (KBD) between the provinces, the only solution is to appoint a high powered commission comprising all the chief justices of high courts headed by CJP of Supreme Court as also one irrigation engineer from each province to discuss threadbare the issue of KBD and decide once for all as to the benefits accruing from it to all provinces and the reservations of provinces so that a clear picture could be formed. The recommendations of this commission may be followed in letter and spirit by all concerned stakeholders without any political objections as politicians have already failed to decide the issue.

A former prime minister is on record to have remarked that KBD had become a victim of politics. As such politicians cannot be trusted on this issue. Only a dispassionate discussion based on benefits and losses, if any, could resolve the long simmering issue of KBD that has engaged the attention of people of Pakistan since four decades and which needs to be resolved now so that we can move forward without chasing unfeasible projects on the distant horizon.



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