Don’t underrate ISIS


They can put together a formidable force

While a complacent Ch Nisar thinks there is no need in Pakistan to worry about the ISIS, governments which care more for their citizens are reacting differently to the threat. European countries are frantically gathering information about their citizens working with the terrorist network and planning strategies to deal with them in case they return. President Obama who took credit for bringing back more than 150,000 US troops home has now approved sending 1,500 additional soldiers to Iraq. The decision to keep US troops in Afghanistan for one more year was also taken with an eye on the menace posed by the ISIS.

The decision by US provides Pakistan’s security managers extra time to put their house in order. Despite being in power for a year and half, the PML-N government appointed a full time National Coordinator of NACTA only this month. An intelligence directorate which was to be established under NACTA for coordination between the federal and provincial security agencies for launching intelligence-based operations, is yet to be created.

Besides focusing on the improvement of the internal security system, there is a dire need to strengthen Pak-Afghan ties which are key to regional stability. While a beginning has been made, it remains to be seen if the task is pursued with the seriousness it deserves. Hopefully there will be no repetition of the foot-in-mouth statement made by Sartaj Aziz to BBC. While giving due priority to ties with Afghanistan, efforts have to be made to normalise relations with India. While going full throttle against the terrorists irrespective of their hue or colour, the possible threat from ISIS must not be underrated as is being done. The ISIS has immense funds at its disposal and there are many terrorists of Pakistani origin fighting under its flag in Iraq and Syria. Sectarian networks and terrorist groups like Jamaatul Ahrar share the ideology of the ISIS. In case the ISIS decides to turn its eyes towards Pakistan it is capable of putting together a formidable apparatus.


  1. Were the east india trading company terrorists a yundred years ago? They killed and pludered in the name of the queen? Or the christian crusaders hundreds if years before that? History favors not the rightous but the brave.

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