Treading the collision course


Imran should not be allowed to go unchecked


The emergence of PTI as third political force was a ranting proof of the fact that the people of Pakistan were increasingly losing faith in the current system of governance and the brand of democracy that perpetuated hold of the feudal lords and the elite of the society on political power. Imran was perceived as a harbinger of change by his supporters and his promised reforms went well with the masses as his party obtained the second highest popular votes during the 2013 elections.

It is a matter of record that his party accepted the overall results of the elections and the elected MNAs of PTI including Imran Khan took the oath as members of the National Assembly. Only 30 losing candidates of PTI filed petitions with the Elections Tribunals complaining about rigging in their constituencies. It clearly implied that the rest of the losing candidates had no complaints. Nineteen out of these petitions were decided against the complainants and the rest are still awaiting decision due to the litigation started by some candidates or their lack of interest in pursuing their complaints.

In view of the foregoing verifiable realities, the belated clamour of Imran Khan about massive rigging in the elections in favour of PML-N with the connivance of ECP, MI, former CJ, former COAS and a popular media house, is clearly an afterthought. The way he has gone about hurling unsubstantiated allegations on the state institutions and the prominent personalities, vitiating all norms of decency with impunity and without a grain of scruples, is really very disappointing for the people who saw in him a leader of different mettle and character. His association with Dr Qadri and being part of a conspiracy to topple an elected government through anarchy and disorder has further dented his credentials as a legitimate leader believing in democratic norms and commitment to strengthen democracy in the country in line with the constitutional parameters. He has proved to be yet another demagogue who is interested in power grabbing by duping the people and not committed to promoting their wellbeing.

The most sordid aspect of his tirade was that he has been targeting the wrong parties in regard to his allegations about rigging. The elections were conducted by the ECP with the support of the interim government and on his demand judicial official were appointed as ROs. Instead of seeking justice from Election Tribunals as prescribed in the constitution, he expected SC to deal with the matter and the latter rightly turned down the request. The country has to be run according to the constitution and if the circumstances required any change in any of its articles to deal with the demands of the changed circumstances, it could only be brought through the procedure laid down in the constitution itself and not through the whims and desires of a political leader who does not subscribe to the constitutional norms, distrusts the judiciary and all state institutions, riles the Parliament, hurls churlish threats at the government functionaries and talks in a revengeful tone and tenor.

In his speeches during the sit-in in Islamabad and during the public rallies that he is addressing these days, he has recklessly indulged in soiling the image of the judiciary, some respectable judges and repeatedly taken a swipe at the entire media of the country terming them corrupt and saleable commodities. He has even accused the government of providing Rs2.70 billion to sabotage PTI sit-in, a claim which has immediately been repudiated by the IB Chief saying that these were auditable funds and he could provide a full record of the utilisation of this money to the SC. It is, however, mind boggling to note that the judiciary which has been taking suo motu notice of issues of minor importance with relish remains astonishingly quiet in regard to the incessant flak and mud-slinging directed at the most sanctimonious institution of the state and its respectable judges.

Imran undoubtedly is guilty of inciting his supporters to violence and challenging the writ of the state and government which was witnessed by the entire world on their TV screens in the form of attacks on the Parliament House and PTV Headquarters and the violence perpetrated on the city police chief of Islamabad. Those were cognizable offences and no democracy in the world could allow this kind of behaviour to go unchallenged by the law of the land. Both Imran and Qadri are answerable to the state for these acts. It is satisfying to note that an ATC court has issued arrest warrants of both Imran and Qadri, though at a belated stage, for their role in the attack on state institutions.

There can be no compromise on the writ of the state and fulfilling the demands of the constitution. They are absolutely essential to ensure peace and tranquility in the society and state. This kind of behaviour would certainly have been dealt with in a more severe manner in western democracies than it has been done in Pakistan. No individual is above law and the law must take its course free of political expediencies. The entire society, particularly those institutions and individuals who have been subjected to Imran’s campaign of vilification must stand up to discredit him for his bizarre indiscretions and defiance of the law of the land.

The PFUJ deserves appreciation for finally taking notice of the scorn heaped at the media by Imran Khan and challenging him to prove his allegations failing which the large scale protest campaign against him would be launched throughout the country from 20th November. Imran should not be allowed to go unchecked in regard to his impulsive propensity of character assassination of government functionaries, media persons and judges on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations. He also needs to be stopped from repeating the scenario of 31st August in Islamabad. The country simply cannot afford the continuation of politics of violence and lawlessness and it is the duty of the government to make sure that the country was spared the agony of witnessing the same scenes of despicable violence again. The threats hurled by Sheikh Rasheed and Imran Khan need to be taken seriously.

Imran is also well advised not to tread the path of collision with the government and all the state institutions, return to the Parliament and reopen dialogue with the government to resolve the contentious issues. Any course to the contrary would neither be in his interest nor the country. Pakistan needs and harmony and Imran should not act as a spoiler.


  1. foolish and biased views. PTI asked only 4 constituencies for verification of rigging. Nawaz's fear and guilt ultimately led to present impasse. even now judicial investigation,punishment of culprits,neutral election commission,electoral reforms and snap polls is the solution.

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