Pakistan Today

TTP appoints new chief for Mohmand Agency

After the split between the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its Mohmand Agency chapter chief Umar Khalid Khurrasani, Wali Mohammad, the militant outfit on Sunday appointed a new head for the agency.

“On behalf of the TTP’s shura, we announce a new in-charge of Mohmand Agency, Commander Mansoor Mohmand,” newly appointed TTP spokesman Mohammad Khurrasani said.

He said all mujahideen in association with the TTP were obliged to wage jihad under the command of Commander Mansoor Mohmand in the region.

Wali Mohammad alias Umar Khalid Khurrasani had parted ways with the TTP after developing differences with the leadership over holding peace talks with the government.

He had also announced his new group, Jamaatul Ahrar, which claimed to have support of key former TTP commanders on its list of shura.

The appointment of a new TTP chief meant that the TTP and Jamatul Ahrar would now likely be in conflict with each other as Umar Khalid Khurrasani has always claimed to be the chief of all Taliban in the agency.

He has also proved to be a strong commander since his rise by establishing Lal Masjid in Safi Tehsil. The new TTP structure under Mansoor Mohmand would be facing a tough challenge from the Khurrasani Taliban fighters who had broken away from the Mullah Fazlullah-led group.

Severe clashes may be feared in the area as different powers who were at odds with each other would be vying for a strong hold in the region along with Pakistan’s security forces on the trail with its military offensives already underway.


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