PM urges Asian leaders to forge broader, stronger linkages


Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has urged the Asian leaders to make genuine and sincere efforts for their societies and the people to have greater cultural, historical and ideological understanding of each other.

In his address at the dialogue on “strengthening connectivity partnership”, the prime minister appreciated China for taking a remarkable initiative in hosting such event by inviting leaders from the Asian countries.

He said the topic was both relevant and important, particularly since, in the present day, Asia was redefining and reinvigorating its role globally.

He told the participants about Pakistan’s desire for infrastructure development and China’s role in helping Pakistan meet its development needs.

“The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, linking China’s West to Pakistan’s Southern port of Gwadar in close proximity to the Middle East, is a flagship project which both governments are pursuing vigorously,” he added.

The prime minister said Pakistan viewed the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as a catalyst for the development of two countries and regional economic cooperation which reflected President Xi Jinping’s vision of building a Silk Road Economic Belt and a Maritime Silk Road.

He further said that they were living in an age of globalisation. “Asia is bursting with amazing opportunities. The growth rates of many Asian economies have been dynamic and resilient, going as high as up to 7.5 per cent despite global recovery in post-2008 global financial crisis,” he added.

The prime minister raised a number of related questions arising out of steps to manage such as monumental transformation, creation of economic opportunities for billions of people living in their region, and more importantly, the issues of poverty and wealth inequality.

He viewed solution to all these questions in increasing and enhancing connectivity in the Asian countries. He emphasized that for the people to absorb the idea of connectivity, it had to go beyond material goals. It must harmonise with deeper human values while people-to-people connectivity remained as important as material connectivity, if not more.

“Ideas matter more than bricks and mortar,” he added.

The prime minister informed that Pakistan’s population was touching nearly 200 million while the stock exchange market did extremely well in the past few years.

“Despite the challenge of terrorism, Pakistan’s economic growth has done quite well. We have a growing middle-class, dynamic and industrious people, good infrastructure and outstanding universities and research centers. My country is blessed with physical resources and it also occupies an important geographical location,” he added.

He said Pakistan was already looking forward to greater regional connectivity with China and its partners in Central Asia. “Soon, CASA-1000 power project between Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan will alleviate our energy shortfall to some extent. The TAPI and Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline projects are also being fast-tracked,” he added.

He said Pakistan’s economic growth had remained steady and the recently unveiled vision 2025 would provide a solid platform for the revival of sustainable and inclusive growth.

The upgradation of the Karakoram Highway with the help of their Chinese friends was making trade increasingly easier, he added.

The prime minister observed that they could create a massive technological and physical infrastructure within the Asian countries.

“I believe that Asia would need trillions of dollars in infrastructure in the next few decades.”

He stressed that they had to realise that their national budgets alone could not meet the gigantic challenge requiring a collective vision and leadership to pursue that task.

The prime minister also called for creating greater cooperation and convergence to deal with the issues of liquidity, fiscal and monetary challenges, labour mobility, and a variety of challenges.

He said he would take this opportunity to thank the Chinese leadership for taking the lead in the opening of BRICS Development Bank and the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

“Pakistan is proud to be a founding member of AIIB. I am confident that the Bank will provide enough liquidity to developing Asian economies to help them improve their infrastructure.”

Later, Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted a banquet in honour of the participating dignitaries from Myanmar, Laos, Mongolia, Cambodia, Tajikistan and Bangladesh.



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