Special cabinet meeting


Proof of the pudding…

If, as reported, portfolios of ministers that failed to make their mark since formation of the government will be changed, then the cabinet should transform beyond recognition after PM Sharif’s much talked about reshuffle. And it is fitting that reports about excessive electricity billing were presented on the first day of the ‘evaluation’. The power problem is, after all, what he shouted loudest about during the election campaign. And if not being able to fulfil promises was not bad enough in times when the government is already politically embarrassed, the inflated bills has hurt its credibility even more. It is little surprise, therefore, that the PM found the audit report ‘unsatisfactory’ and ordered his advisor on water and power to resubmit it. If only he had been so attentive prior to the scandal.

Since the proof of the pudding lies in the eating, it will soon become clear whether Nawaz really wishes to hit the reset button – in light of severe criticism of his style of governance and attitude of ministers – or is using the reshuffle for political face-saving. Problems like the inflated bills, which inconvenienced the public to no small extent, will require more than just transferring the relevant minister to another high-profile position. Heads must roll and clear examples must be made. Otherwise, even if he is sincere in this exercise, the prime minister will be unable to get the new cabinet like a well oiled machine.

While he is readjusting, Nawaz is reminded to keep another factor in mind. During the last 17 months, his style of governance has left much to be desired. He has still not appointed full time ministers to some of the most important ministries; foreign, water and power, just to name two. And mostly, not only have his ministers been accused of incompetence, but also of arrogance and inflexibility. Even when the opposition saved it from collapse in the dharna days, it made a point of questioning some ministers’ aggression and venom; not to mention the fact that the PM has the same people around him who caused his governments to collapse two times already. There’s much for Nawaz to consider. His problems are by no means over, and if the shuffle disappoints, he will lose yet more ground.