Pakistan Today

JI chief sees no rule of law in country

There is no rule of law in the country at present and it is imperative that the people, including the lawyers, came on roads against the so-called democracies, said Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Sirajul Haq while addressing a delegation of the Lahore District Bar Association that called on him at Mansoora on Monday. The 15-member delegation included the Bar president and secretary. The JI chief said that there were separate laws for the rich and the poor.

He said that whether it was martial law or so-called democracy, the same VIP class remained in power over the last 67 years. The children of the rulers studied abroad whereas the children of the poor went to schools which did not even have the mat for seating. He said the oppression and exploitation of the ruling elite had become intolerable and it had become obligatory to rise against them.

He said that the JI gatherings from Nov 21 to 23 would be the revival of the Pakistan movement for building an Islamic Pakistan. Haq said that the masses had rejected the overbilling by WAPDA, and remarked that the people dreaded WAPDA more than the deadly animals.

The JI chief said the bar delegation had assured him of their all out support for establishing the supremacy of the constitution and the law and for removing the deprivations of the masses.

Haq paid tributes to the lawyers community for its sacrifices for democracy and rule of law during Musharraf rule. He said that unfortunately, the beginning of the month of Muharram gave an impression that this was a month of warfare and many people remained indoors out of fear. He said, in fact, this month gave the message of struggle against tyranny and injustice. He urged the ulema and the masses to maintain unity in their ranks and foil the evil designs of the anti Islam forces.

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