Pakistan Today

Kashmiris observe Black Day today

Pro-freedom groups led my All Parties’ Hurriyat Conference to protest in order to draw attention towards Kashmiris’ miseries and appeal for recognition of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination

The people of Kashmir are set to observe a black day today to raise their voice against the forcible take-over of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) by Indian Army on October 27, 1947 in gross violation of the law and Partition Plan of the (Indian) Subcontinent.

A complete shutter-down strike call has been announced by different groups of pro-freedom politicians led by All Parties’ Hurriyat Conference (APHC). Different education institutions across J&K are also likely to remain closed.

At the time of partition of the Indian subcontinent, J&K was a Muslim majority state and had a natural tendency to accede to Pakistan in view of its geography, peoples’ aspirations, culture and religion.

However, the princely state was forcibly taken over by India in blatant violation of the Partition Plan and against the popular will of the Kashmiri Muslims as India announced the accession of J&K under a controversial Instrument of Accession.

The conspiracy was supported among others by the Maharaja of J&K Maharaja Hari Singh and Boundary Commission – the commission set up to demarcate the Indo-Pak border – head Cyril Radcliff.

From day one, the Kashmiris did not accept India’s illegal occupation and started an armed struggle against the Indian assault on Kashmir in 1947. As a result, the armed tribal people also joined in to support their Kashmiri brethren.

The black day’s observance is aimed at drawing the world attention towards the miseries of Kashmiri people and to appeal to the international community to take cognizance of the urgency of resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris aspirations. It is also meant to sending a loud and clear message to India that Kashmiris reject the illegal occupation of their homeland and that they are determined to continue their struggle till they get rid of Indian subjugation.

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