Muharram security


The holy month of Muharram is to start very soon. Before any incident takes place, the government is advised to take appropriate steps to forestall any untoward incidents. Out of my anti-terrorism experience, some suggestions are offered:

1. All majalis places should be registered with the local government. Other than these designated areas, no zakir should be allowed to conduct a majlis.

2. Parking areas should be well away from the compounds of majalis areas. The old and sick may be dropped after due clearance and their vehicles should go back to the parking area.

3. All the entry points should be well guarded and each person attending the majlis should be scanned and searched.

4. Keeping in view of the prevailing conditions in the country, the procession on 10th of Muharram should be restricted to smaller safe route or could be done away with it. The mourning or breast beating could be done indoors rather than on roads where huge crowds become security risk.

5. Armed plain clothes police guards should be deployed in all gatherings to keep an eye on terrorists whose movements are always very suspicious.




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