MQM Women Wing leader flays Khursheed Shah


 MQM Women Wing In-charge and MNA Kishwar Zahra has strongly condemned PPP leader Khursheed Shah for calling world Mohajir as an abuse and termed it an insult of the entire Urdu-speaking community.

In a statement issued, Ms Zahra said that Khursheed Shah should not forget that they were the Mohajirs who sacrificed their lives and properties for this country. She said that prior the inception of Pakistan, the Muslim Sindhis were slaves of Hindu Sindhis, and due to Mohajirs they were freed.

She said that the word Mohajir was not an abuse. She said that it was Pakistan People’s Party who firstly separated Sindh into two as urban and rural Sindh, but it did not want to give the rights of urban Sindh.