SC judge bestows pearls of wisdom at FJA event


Justice Faez says judicial impartiality significant element of justice

While addressing the certificate awarding ceremony at the conclusion of a one-week course on “Case & Court Management and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights ( IPR) Laws in Pakistan” for Civil judges-cum-magistrates from all over Pakistan at the Centre of Excellence for Law and Judicial Education/Federal Judicial Academy (CELJE/FJA) on Saturday, Supreme Court of Pakistan’s Justice Qazi Faez Isa said that having an open mind and willingness to learn were the key aspects of growth and excellence.

Regarding human interaction and learning, he said, “Human interaction is vital for learning and re-learning. Human learning enriches by interacting with the outside world. Young judicial officers must interact with each other during their training in the academy and try to learn from each other.”

Advising the young judicial officers, he said, “Judicial impartiality is a significant element of justice. Judges must take their job seriously. It is not the job of any judge to please the parties in the case but judges have the obligation, right and duty to decide the cases according to law and to their conscience and that is the sole objective of their mission. Judges must bear in mind that they hear and decide the cases of people but their decision is with the greatest judge of all, Allah, who is judging them.”

In his more than two-hour long interaction with all participants, he asked primordial questions from them about the course subjects and their learning from resource persons and from each other.

CELJE/FJA Director General Dr Faqir Hussain in his welcome speech said that like other course, this course was also designed and developed with a futuristic vision to enhance the efficiency and service delivery of the judicial officers. He also shed light on the evolution of judicial training institutes around the globe with special focus on Pakistan, emergence of new laws, new trends and efficacy and usability of the National Judicial Policy for dispensation of expeditious justice to the public