PTI’s Umar says sit-in didn’t affect economy


Leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Assad Umar has rejected government’s claims that the sit-in at Islamabad D-Chowk was badly affecting national economy.

Umar maintained that the D-Chowk was already sealed due to ongoing work on Metro Bus Project.

Addressing a news conference Wednesday in Islamabad, PTI’s financial expert and outspoken leader Umar said the sit-Ins did not affect national economy at all and said that there were many other reasons contributing towards fall in country’s economy.

PTI leader said the economy of the country was witnessing a nose dive since past six months and an economic turn out had resulted in loss of billions of rupees.

Umar asserted that the economic and financial policies of the government were totally wrong and there was much need of following a more practical policy to improve deteriorating situation of Pakistan’s economy.