Pakistan Today

Bilawal’s apology

Apropos media reports about Bilawal’s apology and his appeal to workers not to leave party. My advice to Bilawal is to ask those sitting left and right of him where they were when jobs were sold in PSM, PIA, OGDC, PSO, NICL, SSGPL etc and millions were taken on behalf of leading members of ruling kitchen cabinet. He should ask his father and aunt what their compulsions were in appointing controversial men to head PIA, CAA, NICL, PSM etc, especially former MD of national airline who was accused by AVM Mushaf Ali Mir of gross financial irregularities in recruitment in an investigation ordered by Ministry of Defence and his role in smuggling of rare national artifacts allegedly for villa in Surrey.

The crowds that throng PTI political jalsas are those who have been disgruntled by both Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. People want a change for better where those elected address problems of masses, impose taxes on rich and give relief and justice to poor. They don’t want rulers who receive palatial villas from known land mafia dons, who rob poor and gift the elite of this country, refusing to pay taxes, and unwilling to have their assets and family live in this country. However IK also needs to distance himself from land mafia tycoons and known former corrupt individuals who were part of tyrannical Musharraf junta.



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