Shaukat Khanum Hospital sounds dengue alarm!


“Proliferation of dengue virus has become dangerously alarming due to recent rains and flood. To confront the situation, the government will have to take solid measures to contain the virus and the people of Pakistan will have to work hand-in-hand with the government to do so,” said ShaukatKhanumMemorialCancerHospital and Research Centre Infectious Diseases and Critical Care Medicine Consultant Dr Yasir Hussain in a meeting with journalists.

Dr Yasir said that accumulation of rainwater in the ongoing Monsoon in residential areas, negligence in the cleanliness by the administration and public and the un-hygienic living results plentiful growth of dengue mosquitoes.

Especially, the number of mosquitoes becomes manifold in the month of August, September and October in our region. With the growing trend of global travelling and trading, the dengue virus has spread profusely in more than hundred countries and mainly in south Asia.

He said that such as malaria, dengue virus is transmitted through mosquitoes. The symptoms of dengue virus appear after five to seven days of mosquito bite. High fever, joints pain, headache are the common symptoms, while in acute cases the blood vessels become weak and the blood starts bleeding from different parts of the body. If left untreated it can result in a dangerously low blood pressure which could prove fatal, he said.

Dr Yasir said that the infants, old people and the persons under different kind of medication are more at risk from dengue due to their weaker immune systems. If any of the symptoms occur, tests should be taken in order to diagnose the disease in time to start an immediate medical treatment. Those affected by dengue can also be admitted into the hospital. ShaukatKhanumMemorialHospital has the diagnostic and treatment facilities.

Dr Yasir, talking about various methods of preventing the spread of vectors like mosquitoes, said that houses, neighborhoods, villages and cities should be kept clean and especially drainage of rain and polluted water should not be allowed to puddle because mosquitoes create their habitats in warm and humid places. That is why it is important that water should not be allowed to accumulate in useless or store items, for example tires, garbage and tin boxes etc.

Dr Yasir proposed the government to build proper sanitation system and spray anti-mosquito chemicals at required intervals throughout the country. He also advised the public that community based sanitation reinforcement should be encouraged in neighborhoods. A person suspected to have dengue virus should consult a doctor and go through diagnostic test for the immediate proper treatment.


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