Hoping against hope


Obstinacy and overconfidence

Many who thought that a negotiated settlement might be possible are gradually losing hope. The government’s negotiating teams and the opposition’s political jirga have failed to achieve any breakthrough in talks. The latter has finally presented what it considers a workable solution to the opposing sides to end the impasse. This is not likely to make any difference as the jirga was never mandated by the PTI and PAT or the government to act as a referee.

There is not an iota of change in the positions taken by Tahirul Qadri or and Imran Khan. Both remain defiant. The PAT which started its sit-in exactly a month back from Lahore is determined to continue it till the removal of the PML-N government. While marching towards Isamabad Qadri had predicted Nawaz Sharif’s fall before August 31. Now he believes the government would ‘breathe its last’ within September with protesters celebrating Eid-ul-Azha at their homes after the victory. Scoffing at the negotiators Imran Khan has announced that whatever the recommendations of the teams, he would never abandon the protest till the removal of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. He has vowed to put up a grand show today, promising to reveal the names of the killers of MQM MNA Tahira Asif and Balochistan minority MPA Handri Masih. The announcement is meant to evoke some interest in the protesters, most of whom are fed up with the repetitive orations they have to hear day after day.

Many protesters are losing hope of change. Their number is decreasing by the day. The Parliament stands united behind the government while there are adverse reports about the protests in the media. The floods have taken the centre stage on the TV shows. It has been claimed recently that the organisers are hiring labourers to remove the perception of dwindling numbers. Despite all this the two leaders continue to be confident. It is a matter of debate if the confidence is generated by sheer obstinacy or by a signal from certain quarters.


  1. khuda angers on awaam of pakistan because isi -slaves of cia ..destroying pak ..and always liars ..face the facts .. imrankhan quadri enemy slaves .. stop blame games ..focus ..sach haq

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