Time to call it a day


Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri need to look beyond themselves

The mudslinging match between Aitzaz Ahsan and Ch Nisar has been called off thus belying expectations of any cracks in Parliament’s unity. Altaf Hussain has deferred the decision on his MNAs’ resignations. The PTI and PAT have withdrawn their camps from forward positions presumably under SC’s pressure. This would allow the federal government offices to start functioning. Meanwhile talks between the teams trying to negotiate between the government on one side and the PTI and PAT on the other continue. The 23-day long protest is already taking toll of the morale of the protesters, particularly of those in Imran Khan’s camp. Both Qadri and Imran Khan had kept the expectations high by announcing firm dates for government change from time to time. With Nawaz Sharif seen to be riding out the storm, many among the protesters are likely to think that they have been led down the garden path by their leadership.

The floods playing havoc in Punjab and other provinces would consume much of the time of the electronic media in days to come and take away public attention from the protests. The continuation of the sit-in when the country faces a major natural calamity would be interpreted as insensitive pursuit of political power ignoring human suffering. With the visit of the Chinese President called off, the government would face no urgency even if the protests were to continue for weeks.

The PTI is already facing difficulties in sustaining the sit-in. Many of its workers are suffering from fatigue. Others have resumed their day-to-day economic activities. The more tenacious PAT workers face problems like sickness caused by exposure to bad weather, inadequate food and unhygienic living conditions. The PTI has already got four of its five demands accepted. On Saturday Qadri announced that the revolution had already taken place with heightened public awareness of the government’s misrule. This provides them enough face saving. It is time both announced that they have won the battle and are calling it a day.


  1. i think if all tv channels pull the plug on thier cameras this circus will come to its natural end.

  2. in Ir Pakistan Around 10-ten millions babies childrens no schools! no clean water not enough drinking water! no health cares if place in school they find with surprise the language they learn in school is alien to them! the Zionist clique in govt office is maybe to replace either friendly or by Force, colors are changing everyday differently maybe something in the Making! inshaAllah

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