Have they not failed?


This is in reference to Arif Nizami’s precise analysis of unfortunate state of affairs in Pakistan. There is no doubt that the political leadership and paid establishment have failed to come up to the aspiration of the public. The solution lies in more democracy, tolerance for dissent, with no role for any state funded institution and a process of accountability, economic reforms and justice, already specified in constitution but never implemented in letter or spirit. What we need is to shun the legacy of Ziaul Haq and Pervez Musharraf and adopt the vision of our founding fathers. The PML-N needs to put on leash their bulls and start delivering and so must the PPP.

However it is with a sense of deep pain and anguish to witness anarchy set in our motherland, a country for which thousands struggled under selfless leadership of Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, Sher-e-Bengal Maulvi Fazalul Haq etc. The moment SSP Islamabad in uniform was beaten by danda carrying hooligans, carrying flags of PAT in Red Zone, which had a three-tier security cordon in place, and events like storming of PTV, preceded by unhindered tearing down of fence of our Parliament, the writ of state stood violated and these shameful events were carried live by private channels.

The state of Pakistan today stands weakened and we cannot blame Chinese President for cancelling or postponing his official visit. Who wins or loses really does not matter in this battle for turf, but Pakistan has been weakened because of misplaced egos and myopic vision of those for whom this country has assumed a secondary priority.

Every institution of the state seems to be politicised; otherwise, the sanctity of state symbols would not have been allowed to be tarnished in this manner. Use of force within Pakistan and on our borders is an exclusive monopoly of the state and its organs and under no circumstances can protestors or vigilantes assume this right to themselves. When this happens anarchy sets in and we have witnessed how terrorists, target killers, extortion collectors have been allowed to nurture and strengthen and today they hold to ransom this country and its constitution. Where is the state and its organs armed by taxpayers to protect them? Have they not failed?




  1. Pork eating and Scotch drinking Jinnah never went to British jail. Then from where comes his so called sacrifice in siding with British? He made Hindus and Muslims to suffer through mutual hatred.

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