Indian girl marries dog to ward off evil


A girl has married a dog to please her family who think in doing so she will rid herself of a curse they believe she carries.

In the barking mad ceremony, 18-year-old Mangli Munda had to walk down the aisle with a stray dog her father found, as her fellow villagers in Jharkhand state, India say this will pass the curse from her to the animal.

She said: ‘I am not happy with this marriage.’

Her ‘husband’, a dog called Sheru, even arrived in his own chauffeur driven car, although he may not have been entirely aware what was happening.


The ceremony is part of a ritual in the village in which young women are married to dogs first, and then when they marry a man (as in, a human man) the marriage will be blessed with longevity.

Mangli’s mother said: ‘We have to spend money on this wedding.

‘That is the only way we can get rid of her bad luck and ensure the benevolence of the village.’

Everything was carried out in proper form for a formal Hindu wedding, with Shenu sitting patiently at the side of his new bride throughout, although it was not legally binding, allowing Mangli to now find a suitable partner.

She said: ‘Yes, I will marry a man one day. Every girl dreams of marrying a prince.’

Watch video here:

Woman Marries Dog In Traditional Ceremony In India by BarcroftTV


  1. zionists west usa use dogs for home works! now Bandit salve hindoustan comming in force Same Strugle!

  2. Question arises in this modern and enlightened world, such scornful and abusive practices bringing disgrace, cruelty, scourge to their own human person are still prevalent in Indian society when marrying a girl to a dog. Is Indian society still living in pre-historic ages! Where is the respect and dignity of a human person gone specially in this modern and enlightened world caring aggressively for the dignity of a man! The society must sternly strive to address all such pitiful, abusive, cruel, scornful and disgraceful practices prevalent in the country against mankind

    • Its not about india only, its about every where in the world where we are still stuck on century old traditions, where cultural values were having more importance than the values of a human being. A strong protest against such kind of evil traditions must be started and an agitation should be filed in court of law to take steps to eradicate such kind of traditions.

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