Saudi king warns of terror threat to US, Europe


Abdullah calls terrorism an evil force; suggests fight against terror with wisdom, speed

Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz has said that terrorism will soon spread to Europe and the United States unless it is quickly dealt with in the Middle East, according to the state news service of the kingdom.

“I ask you to convey this message to your leaders,” the king made the statement during a reception for foreign ambassadors held in Jeddah. He said that the terrorism at this time was an evil force that must be fought with wisdom and speed. “And if neglected, I’m sure after a month it will arrive in Europe and a month after that in America.”

The world’s top oil exporter shares an 800km border with Iraq, where Islamic State militants and other groups have seized towns and cities. Riyadh has long expressed fears of being targeted by fighters, including some of its own citizens, who have taken part in conflicts in Iraq and Syria.

Earlier this year, Saudi government decreed long jail terms for those who travel abroad to fight. On Friday, Britain also raised its terrorism alert and Prime Minister David Cameron said that the Islamic State posed the greatest ever security risk to the European country.

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