School building develops cracks before it is used


The newly-constructed government primary school at village Sabu Kertio has developed cracks even before its formal handing over to the education department of Larkana.

The school has been constructed with the assistance of World Bank (WB), costing millions of rupees and consists of three classrooms.

Due to these cracks, students and their teachers had first refused to use it due to fear of its caving in at any time but later agreed to use it because they had no other option in this scorching hot weather.

As many as 253 students are enrolled in this primary school. Headmaster Muhammad Umar Jarwar told media that they had written many times to the concerned authorities for constructing new building for the school but in vain, hence they were forced to impart education under a shade near main Sukkur-Larkana Road.

He said finally the higher government authorities took notice and ordered making of the new school building in which substandard material had been used due to which it had developed cracks and had become very dangerous but even then they were performing their duties in the building since January 2014.

He said due to cracks in the building the lives of students and teachers were at stake and they feared that the building may collapse at any time. He said he had written many applications to the higher education department authorities but they had done nothing as yet.

He said there was no facility of drinking water in the school and furniture was very old and insufficient, hence 80 per cent of the students were getting education by sitting on the floor.


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