From IS to Boko Haram


Taking the bull by the horns

The al Qaeda ideology, and methodology, has spread so far and wide in the Muslim world that it is no longer possible for conventional military offensives to control them. They have been around for a while. From Afghanistan to Pakistan and to Iraq, they were seen opposing western occupation forces and governments that sided with them. But ever since the Arab Spring brought Saudi funded and US supported militants to Libya and Syria, the configuration has changed. And the new vision came to plain sight when the Islamic State established its own caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria.

But while Baghdadi and his boys may have attracted US attention – at least enough to carry out a couple of sorties and threaten more boots on the ground – al Qaeda’s expansion elsewhere, especially in Africa, is extremely worrying, and will not be controlled till the US gives serious attention to its allies financing and propagating extremist ideologies. The way Boko Haram is overrunning territory in Nigeria is alarming. It bears remembering that Nigeria boasts the continent’s most capable military. On more than one occasion, its forces have acted to bring and preserve peace in some of Africa’s most volatile countries. And news reports that a good 500 strong Nigerian army contingent fled Boko Haram fighting into Cameroon, and is bunking with refugees a good hundred miles inland, is a grim indication of things to come.

The government is calling it a tactical retreat, but that is more likely political posturing which will win it no points. And since, just like IS, Boko Haram has also declared a caliphate of its own, it behoves Lagos to plead its case with international governments that have been essential in creating and nurturing the al Qaeda franchise. The US and its allies must take the lead. Not only do they have the most resources, but more importantly they have allowed these villains to grow into monsters. They will require a military offensive to crush such rebellions, and also diplomatic overtures to warn regressive forces that continue to help militants. Unless the bull is taken by the horns now, it will overrun more territory and create more havoc in the name of Islam.


  1. The common thread is Islam and why should america fight these threats which the msulim enocurages and then keeps quiet?

  2. It is radical extremist Islam that has brought these groups together…it is not true Islam…this hijacked version of the religion is just a culture of death that must be rejected by all Muslims…until that happens it will grow and attract other brainwashed radicals who ruin the reputation of peaceful Muslims world wide…the mullahs who promote this brand of Islam must be identified and eliminated…

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