SA’s grand mufti terms IS, Al Qaeda affiliates ‘first enemy of Islam’


RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh Tuesday termed extremist militant groups as “the first enemy of Islam” and stressed that the ideas of extremism and terrorism do not belong to Islam at all.


Referring to the Islamic State Sunni extremist group and Al Qaeda-affiliated groups in a statement titled “Foresight and Remembrance”, the Grand Mufti said more dangerous ideas are those ideas that are being marketed in the name of religion, the official Saudi Press Agency reported.


“These foreign groups do not belong to Islam and Muslims adhering to it, but they are an extension of the Kharijites who were the first group that deviated from the religion because they accused Muslims of disbelief due to their sins and allowed killing them and taking their money,” Al al-Sheikh said.


The Grand Mufti, who is also general president for Scientific Researches and Fatwa, noted that the tolerance of Islam is one of the characteristics of Islamic Sharia and the largest one of its objectives.


“We call in this regard to unify and coordinate educational and developmental efforts to enhance the thought of moderation stemming from our true Islamic Sharia through formulating a complete plan with clear objectives and an executive plan that achieves those goals as a concrete reality,” the top cleric added.


The highly influential Grand Mufti’s comments come in the wake of Saudi Arabian crackdown on supporters of foreign terrorist organisations such as Syria’s Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and its affiliated groups, in the country.


Last week, Saudi Arabia donated $100 million to the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCTC) in its efforts to curb terrorism.



  1. About time for the so called leaders and owners of Islam to put an statement through. But what about doing the same as IS in Bahrain and SA against Muslim minorities. SA has helped these two evil groups against the Muslims for the longest time in history. SA can only be helpful if they stop aiding against all Muslims those who do not follow Wahhabi ideology and stop extremism in SA.

    • Nancy,_Very well put. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE have been exporting terrorism for decades by abetting Jihadishs in the Muslim world to promote its brand of religion, the Wahabism. How many times these "owners of Islam" have spoken against terrorist attacks and suicide bombings in Pakistan? How many times this "pious" Mufti has condemned the killings of minorities in Pakistan? How many times they have condemned the genocide of Palestinians kinds and women at the hands of the terrorist state of Israel? NEVER!!! Now that they are seeing a threat looming from ISIS, they are issuing these statements. The fact is the Saudi Arabia needs a revolution where its kingship should be eliminated. Unless that happens, this hypocritical country will keep terrorizing innocent people, Muslims and non-Muslims, around the world.

  2. We welcome the timely comments made by Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti,,Skeikh Abdulaziz,in condemning ISIS' perversion of Islamic tennents
    as articulated by the prophet Mohammed in the Quaran.The Sheikh's comments carry added significance since Saudi Arabia is the birth-
    place of Islam and custodian of its holy places in the cities of Mecca and Medina.Unfortunately,there are mullahs who preach violence and
    extreme punishments towards their faithful and non-Islamic neighbors.This is not wise and must cease.

    We encourage the Grand Mufti to speak out to the errant followers of Mohammed to mend their ways.A good place to start is the lawless
    group that terrorizes Nigeria and its neighboring nations,Boko Haram.If they do not mend their ways,sooner or later Allah will exact his
    justice.Civiilized world cannot tolerate kidnapping of schoolgirls and forced marriages.


  3. Mufti Shaib came out when Al-Sauds has failed to Destroyed SAR-Syria, Muslms Masacres in Palestine Gaza by zionistsjews, A-Sauds are Engaged Killing Muslims in Bahrain, in the past in 1980s they Supported Sadam of Iraq to Invade & Destroy Naicent Islamic Revolution in Iran, AL-Sauds has Blooded hands & of course they are busy collaboration world zionists headed by CIA USA EU some local poxiex against Muslim uprising worldwide etc etc But it's Never toolate maybe they Al-Sauds has Understood they must ask Pardon to World of Islam

  4. This correct and just that a religious leader should condemn the barbarian acts of ISIS…unfortunately there are so many fanatic Muslims who think they know more about true Islam than the mufti of Mecca…those supporters of radicals and fanatics should show some respect for this leader who has the courage and intelligence to criticisize those who ruin the reputation of Muslims throughout the world…

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