Harkat-ul-Mujahideen leader declares ‘jihad’ against Israel




A known religious leader, Fazal ur Rehman Khalil, declared “Jehad” against Israel is obligatory on all Muslims because of its involvement in the killings of innocent Palestinians in Gaza.


Khalil, who had previously led banned outfilt Harkat-ul-Mujahideen group that fought against Indian forces in Indian-occupied Kashmir and sided with the Taliban in Afghanistan, said he is ready to send his militants to Palestine to fight Israelis. “Jehad is an obligation of all Muslims in view of the ongoing Israeli barbarism in Gaza,” he said. He said Muslims are disappointed at he conduct of their rulers, who have failed to effectively respond to the Israels’s military actions in Gaza. “I am also ready to personally go to Palestine as fighting Israelis is part of my belief,” Khalil, who now leads “Ansar ul Ummah” Islamic group, told a news conference at his Islamabad’s headquarters. “If I find a route, I will not wait but will reach Palestine,” he said. He also urged the Muslims to rush for the help of Palestinians.


In 1995, Khalil’s Harkat-ul-Ansaar (HuA) militant organization, had seized six Western tourists in Indian-held Kashmir. His Harkat-ul-Mujahid had been very close to Osama bin Laden and Afghan Taliban. “The time to stage protest rallies against Israelis and pass resolutions is over and the time is ripe for the Muslims to wage Jehad against Zionists,” Khalil said. He also urged all Jehadi groups to take practical steps to help the oppressed people in Gaza, adding that those Islamic nations who have recognized should sever diplomatic ties with Israel and expel its ambassadors. He claimed that the Islamic countries are pursuing the agenda of Americans and Israelis. “There had been huge anti-Israeli demonstrations in European countries but the Muslims rulers are not openly speaking against Zionists.” The religious leader also lashed out at the OIC for what he called its “criminal silence” at the massacre of Muslims in Palestine.


He also criticized the performance of the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and said “silence of a nuclear power is a question mark.” Khalil condemned the United Nations for its failure to stop killings of Palestinians and said behavior of the world body has exposed its double standards.


  1. There has always been a jihad against Israel and Jews. It's in the Koran. This is just another way of blaming Israel for what Islamists have had as a goal for 1400 years.

  2. Isreal wil destroy all those who seek destruction upon them so, am pleading with all d so called jahadist to thick twice before they self destruct

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