Invoking Article 245


Has the government thought it through?

The way PML-N government is resolving matters rife with far reaching consequences raises questions. The decision to invoke Article 245 was taken by the prime minister in the first week of this month after consulting a few close aides. The momentous implications of the issue required that it should have been discussed in the cabinet if not in the National Assembly. The stated idea was to call the army to assist the civilian administration for heightening security arrangements at sensitive installations ‘in major cities’. The deployment of army is a reflection on the performance of a government. How can the PML-N government rule the country if it cannot ensure the security of Islamabad? The PPP government in Sindh has always opposed the deployment of army in Karachi which has a population of about 20 million as compared to Islamabad and surrounding territory’s two million. What is more Karachi faces many more challenges from militants, organised gangs of criminals and armed wings of some of the political parties. The city has many times more sensitive installations than Islamabad.

There is a perception that Article 245 is being invoked to counter Imran Khan’s 14 August march and a possible sit in. If this is so, the government is bound to be blamed for using the army for political purposes. Leader of Opposition in National Assembly Khursheed Shah has already accused the government of hiding behind institutions which he says is not a good trend.

What is the army supposed to do if the marchers enter the capital city without seeking the government’s permission, refuse to accept the restrictions imposed by the city administration and cannot be controlled by police? The army is not trained to baton charge or resort to tear gas shelling. Is it then supposed to shoot to kill? Does the government want to repeat the Model Town incident? Has it weighed the consequences of a possible refusal by army to fire as happened in Lahore in 1977?


  1. The story is the same as always. An insecure Govt.calls in the army to subdue it,s own people and ends up by being kicked out. This is a classical story of many third world countries. This time in pakistan there is a party of protest challenging a sitting Govt. Instead of taking it head on by political means the ruling party is running to the Generals. The prime resposibility of the army is to protect the borders and not to provide internal security. If Nawaz Shariff who has over thirty years of experience of politics at the top cannot face a protest party then he has lost the mandate to lead. In politics the perceptions matter—fear of PTI and not anything else.!

  2. Nawaz Sharif and his close confidants, some of whom came to power through rigged elections are running scared. Invoking Article 245 for political reasons is prima facie a malicious act. The Supreme Court should immediately grant an injunction against it.

    Also, invoking this article tantamounts to handing power to military, has Nawaz Sharif not learned any lessons from his incarceration b y the military?

  3. It is not a bad move if any blast or murder incident happens in Islamabad then the ultimate responsibility would lie with govt.

  4. I thought Imran Khan said that this will be a peaceful protest. Why is he worried about Article 245 ? Now ain’t that the truth.

  5. Imposition of 245 and the horrible so-called pre-emptive action in Model Town Lahore and Islamabad Airport against Tahirul Qadri were all based on false presumptions. This government have repeatedly shown their incompetence and a complete lack of moral authority to deal with political situations

  6. Imposition of 245 and the horrible so-called pre-emptive action in Model Town Lahore and Islamabad Airport against Tahirul Qadri were all based on false presumptions. This government have repeatedly shown their incompetence and a complete lack of moral authority to deal with political situations

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